History Alsace

Bibliothèque Humaniste

Discover a host of Renaissance treasures in a museum in the heart of Alsace! Explore the secrets of some truly exceptional books... The Bibliothèque Humaniste takes visitors on a fascinating journey...

Château de Lichtenberg

A medieval castle that served over the centuries as a residence, fortress and garrison town and which is nowadays a cultural and tourist site with a breathtaking panoramic view over the northern...

Haut-Koenigsbourg castle at dusk © Jonathan Sarago / CD67

Nine centuries of history Towering at almost 800 metres, Haut-Koenigsbourg boasts an exceptional panoramic view. From the Grand Bastion, you can see the Alsace plain, the Vosges, the Black Forest and...

Château du Hohlandsbourg

A GLIMPSE OF HISTORY, A CASTLE FULL OF LIFE! The castle offers a glorious 360 degree view over Alsace and the Black Forest, modern and interactive scenography; a lively castle in the hills above...

Citadelle de Bitche

At the bend of the first hills of the Northern Vosges, one can see the monumental, even charming silhouette of the Citadel of Bitche. Whether it is a terrible stone guardian or a mysterious ship...

Dreiländermuseum / Musée des Trois Pays

The Three-Countries Museum, just a few kilometres from Basel, has made the Three Countries Corner its theme. In the permanent exhibition, visitors can view the history and present of this border...

Ecomusée d'Alsace

An open-air museum! Discover an exceptional collection of traditional houses, which have been preserved, disassembled stone by stone and beam by beam in their original communes before being...

La Folie Marco

At the foot of Mont Sainte-Odile at the edge of the wine route, visitors find the large impressive house “Folie Marco”. The building itself and the collections invite visitors to learn more about life...

La Maison du Fromage

Visit the Maison du Fromage and get to know the cheese dairies, the farms and the authentic know-how of the actors of the Munster Valley. What could be better than a good Munster cheese? Discover how...

Musée le la Maison du Kochersberg

Acteur culturel incontournable du territoire, sa réputation a bien largement dépassé les frontières locales et régionales. Sa vocation est de permettre d’élaborer un lien positif jusqu’à un...

Le Village Hansi et son Musée

The Village of Uncle Hansi and his Museum is located in front of the famous "Maison des Têtes". Come in and discover the city of Colmar in the lifetime of the famous artist Jean-Jacques Waltz, so...

Maison de la Manufacture d'armes blanches

The Maison de la Manufacture of Klingenthal traces the history of the first French bladeweapons factory created in 1730, under Louis XV. Story of the manufactory, processing of raw materials...

Maison du Pain d'Alsace

Supported with great enthusiasm by the region's bakers, this house is designed to inform visitors about bread in all its diverse forms and thus also to promote the bakers' trade. Installed in the...


The Maison Rurale de l'Outre-Forêt is a former farmhouse, now a heritage interpretation center: a lively place to discover Alsatian heritage and its popular arts and traditions. The various...

Mémorial de l'Alsace Moselle

Looming up out of the green hill, the spacious memorial building with its glass front dominates the Bruche valley and seems to be reaching out proudly to the sky. In its interior the upheavals of...

Musée Bartholdi

The museum established in 1922 in the birth house of the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi is devoted to the presentation of this artist's works - of his sculptures and paintings. Each year a special...

Musée de la Chartreuse et Fondation Bugatti

Located in the heart of Alsace, Molsheim has been a possession of the bishops of Strasbourg since the end of Antiquity. The city experienced its moment of glory after the Reformation, with the arrival...

Musée de la Régence

The museum in the Palais de la Régence comprises three sections. The historical department hosts exhibits, which seem to come directly from a curiosity cabinet: a piece of meteorite praised by Jules...

Musée des Beaux Arts de Mulhouse

Villa Steinbach, a beautiful residence from the 18th century, houses the Fine Arts Museum of Mulhouse. The collection is displayed on the first floor, while special exhibitions of modern art are...

Musée du Papier Peint

The Wallpaper Museum at Rixheim in the Alsace, certified as a Musée de France, is the only one of its kind in the world. It is one of the technical museums of the southern Alsace and offers the chance...

Musée EDF Electropolis

At Mulhouse, in the south of Alsace, you will find a totally different kind of museum which is unique in Europe. At the Electropolis Museum, you can have fun whilst learning and discovering surprising...

Musée Historique

The History Museum is located in the heart of the city of Mulhouse in the old city hall that was built in 1552. It is one of the richest museums in the region and shows a cross-section through the...


Visiting this place will allow you to find out about the life of an extraordinary man mainly known for his fight against slavery. No one should ignore his testimony and commitments for the advancement...

Parc de Wesserling - Ecomusée textile

Discover the glorious history of the textile industry of our valley, once supplier to the French and English royal families, and whose first-class products were in great demand throughout the world...

Les Ateliers de la Seigneurie

Here Heritage takes on meaning ! Housed in an impressive Renaissance building in Andlau, the Seigneurie was renovated for its 10th year anniversary. Our Heritage interpretation centre invites you to...