Become a Member Site

The association looks forward to the adhesion of new sites. You will find in the column on your right the statutes, the regulations as well as the registration form (all of the latter in German).


  • Site in the current region of the Museums-PASS-Musées
  • A minimum of 120 days open in the year
  • Entree fee compulsory for the permanent and temporary exhibitions
  • The museums of exhibition sites willing to join the Museums-PASS-Musées association must conform to the definition set by ICOM « A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment ». One of the purposes of the candidate for a membership must be public interest and they must be a non-profit organisation.


  • 200,00 EURO / 285,00 CHF per year
  • Each new active membership is, according to the regulations, subject to an entree fees of 500,00 EURO / 650,00 CHF in addition to the yearly membership fee.

If you wish to become member of the association, thank you for returning 2 filled in registration forms. The headquarter team will be pleased to answer all questions relative to your adhesion.


Birsigstrasse 2
CH-4054 Basel
T (CH) : 061 205 00 40
T (DE) : 07621 161 36 34
T (FR) : 03 89 33 96 29