Stadtmuseum Rastatt

Stadtmuseum Rastatt
Stadtmuseum Rastatt
Stadtmuseum Rastatt
Experience 300 years of local history
The exhibition about the eventful history of Rastatt was re-arranged in 2004. The exhibition covers more than 300 years of history beginning with the Palatinate War of Succession in 1689, which destroyed the former borders, and the reconstruction of the city as new home to the Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden-Baden.

Three major parts of the history of the city are presented with audiovisual technology: the baroque Planstadt and residence Rastatt, the construction and de-construction of the city wall in the late 19th century, the economic revival in the 1950s and the presentation of the nature reservoir “Rastatter Rheinau.” A large city model showcases the latest developments in the city.

Pictures: Stadtmuseum Rastatt; Matthias Hoffmann

48.857895, 8.204026


Stadtmuseum Rastatt

Herrenstraße 11
Opening hours
Open all year from
Thursday - Saturday: 12:00-17:00
Sunday: 11:00-17:00

Contact and additional information
+49 7222 972 84 01

Currently in this museum

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Sat, 24.08.24, 4 pm, meeting point at the city museum Dr. Irmgard Stamm, Chairwoman of the Rastatt Historical Society, leads a historical tour of the town to the sites of the revolutionary events of ...

Blick in die Ausstellung

Curator Johanna Kätzel will guide you through the special exhibition "For Freedom! Rastatt and the 1848/49 Revolution" at the Stadtmuseum. 175 years ago, Rastatt was one of the main sites of the Baden ...

Pinsel in verschiedenen Stärken und Ausführungen

In 1848/49, Rastatt was one of the main sites of the Baden Revolution. At that time, citizens and soldiers stood together for basic rights and a constitution. The uprising was crushed and the fight ...

Historische Aufnahme von Carl Schurz

Thu, 26.09.24, 7 pm, Historical Library in the Ludwig-Wilhelm-Gymnasium Among the revolutionaries of 1848/49 was Carl Schurz, whose stay in Rastatt is commemorated by inscriptions on the house at ...

Die Referentin Frau Dr. Bleyer mit einem Buch über 1848

Thu, 17.10.24, 6 pm, Historical Library in the Ludwig-Wilhelm-Gymnasium Historian and author Alexandra Bleyer sheds light on the revolution from a pan-European perspective and discusses its causes and ...

Eintrittsbereich der Ausstellung mit Blick in den Raum

From January 1, 2024, new admission prices will apply for the Rastatt Municipal Museums: In future, adults will pay €4 instead of the previous €3 for admission to the City Museum, the Municipal ...

Kampfszene in schwarz-weiß zeigt eine historische Darstellung des Ausfalls der Revolutionstruppen aus Rastatt nach Niederbühl 1849

175 years ago, Rastatt was one of the main sites of the Baden Revolution. In May 1849, soldiers joined forces with rebellious citizens to fight for a liberal constitution. The siege of the federal ...