Fonds régional d'art contemporain (Frac) de Franche-Comté

Fonds régional d'art Contemporain de Franche-Compté
Fonds régional d'art Contemporain de Franche-Compté
Fonds régional d'art Contemporain de Franche-Compté
The Frac holds temporary exhibitions that succeed each other throughout the year and show the great diversity of art today. The exhibitions are accompanied by a rich pro-gramme of events: concerts, shows, performances, mee-tings with artists, etc.You will find a warm welcome and explore the works at your own speed. Come in, train your eye, start a conver-sation and feel free. We are always ready to listen and aim at allowing everyone to go further in his/her reflection in a vibrant venue that is part of a very active neighbourhood in the heart of the town. On the bank of a river in natu-ral surroundings that favour escape and leisure, the Frac building displays exceptional contemporary and heritage architecture.
The collection held in the Frac’s vast reserves totals more than 700 works by artists from France and elsewhere. The whole illustrates the richness of creation today and the diversity of forms of contemporary art: paintings, sculp-tures, drawings, photographs, videos, installations, perfor-mances, etc. and echoes the clock making past of Franche Comté by questioning the notion of time. It is enriched every year by new purchases chosen by a panel of experts.

The marked feature of the collection is its mobility. Indeed, we organise exhibitions elsewhere every year—in primary and secondary schools, for cultural associations, festivals, etc. To discover works of art in a familiar setting.In these projects that lead to a first awareness, we ap-proach and meet people and groups throughout the area, from Belfort to Mouthe by way of Dole. The Satellite, a small lorry fitted out as an exhibition space, and Les Mal-lettes that cover the region and enable a school class to borrow a work are symbols of our involvement in the de-mocratisation of the art of our time.Finally, we loan works to both large institutions and more modest venues in France, abroad and in the region.

47.236073426826, 6.0337635966339


Fonds régional d'art contemporain (Frac) de Franche-Comté

2 passage des Arts
(Cité des Arts)
Opening hours
On 04 July 2024
Wednesday - Friday: 14:00-18:00
Saturday - Sunday: 14:00-19:00

Closed on
Contact and additional information
+33 3 81 87 87 40

Currently in this museum

Nicolas Waltefaugle

For the past three years, the Frac and the Lycée Edgar Faure de Morteau have partnered to organize an "Excellence, Métiers d'Art" residency program. This year, Audrey Devaud, a visual artist from ...

Esther Ferrer, Autoportrait dans le temps, 1981 / 2014. Collection Frac Franche-Comté. © Adagp, Paris 2024.

"Un minuto más" (One minute more) is an exhibition by Esther Ferrer, a leading Spanish artist represented in the Frac collection. Born in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War, Esther Ferrer grew up under ...

La Ribot, LaBOLA desborda, Le Prado, Madrid, 2023. © La Ribot. Photo : La Ribot

"Attention, on danse!" is an exhibition by choreographer La Ribot. Born in 1962, La Ribot was 13 when Franco died. But "dictatorships engender hearts eager for freedom and independence. That's the ...