Museum für Stadtgeschichte Neuenburg am Rhein

Neuenburg am Rhein
Museum für Stadtgeschichte Neuenburg am Rhein
In der historischen Sammlung
In der historischen Sammlung
History and tradition
Old School and Town Hall
The museum documents the eventful history of the town up to the present day. Founded around 1175 by Berthold IV of Zähringen, Neuenburg am Rhein quickly developed into an important economic centre thanks to its strategically excellent location on the Rhine. In 1219, Neuchâtel on the Rhine was elevated to the status of a free imperial city by Emperor Frederick II. The thematic and chronological exhibition on three levels documents the development of the town, its importance in the border triangle and its destruction due to war. The building was erected in 1828 on the old city walls and moat. It is one of the few buildings that was not destroyed during the Second World War. After being used as a school and community hall, the museum and its collection were established from 1988.

47.814819778752, 7.5619371469742


Museum für Stadtgeschichte Neuenburg am Rhein

Franziskanerplatz 4
Neuenburg am Rhein
Opening hours
Open all year from
Wednesday: 14:00-17:00
Sunday: 14:00-17:00

Closed on
Contact and additional information
+49 7631-791-284

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