Museum Basler Papiermühle

Basler Papiermühle
Basler Papiermühle
Basler Papiermühle
History and tradition
Schweizerisches Museum für Papier, Schrift und Druck
The Basel Paper Mill is located in a house in which paper has been produced for more than 500 years. The mill can be found in the idyllic mill district of St. Alban. In 2011 the museum was renovated and the permanent exhibition completely rearranged. Now the focus is on a ‘hands-on' approach. The collections at the Basel Paper mill comprise the technical and cultural development of paper, writing and printing that had its beginning in the mid 15th century with the Council of Basel.

In addition to the original and authentic atmosphere of the old building, another highlight is provided by the open workshops. Skilled craftsmen produce client's orders and make their own productions with historical machines, thus guaranteeing the survival of the immaterial cultural heritage of paper and book production. Visitors are invited to try printing or producing coloured paper.

47.554754, 7.603095


Museum Basler Papiermühle

St. Alban-Tal 37
Opening hours
Open all year from
Tuesday - Friday: 11:00-17:00
Saturday: 13:00-17:00
Sunday: 11:00-17:00

Closed on
Contact and additional information
+41 61 225 90 90

Currently in this museum


The "TEXT-iles" workshop is about the creative process of writing and the creative use of words. Students of art and design education present their results and invite you to join in with their work ...

Copyright: Eveliina Marty

Illustrator Eveliina Marty enlivens the gravure studio. She creates atmospheres and tells stories with her pictures. She likes to try out different colors, textures and types of printing. She ...

Copyright: Basler Papiermühle

The Gelterkinden origami group creates colorful worlds out of paper. Under expert guidance, visitors can fold their own paper art. The open workshop is included in museum admission and is aimed at ...

Copyright: Basler Papiermühle

The artist Gina Gunaratnam enlivens the intaglio studio and offers insights into her working methods. The offer is included in museum admission.

Drucken leicht gemacht

We apply pressure! Because to be able to design with the polyblock panel, all we have to do is apply a little pressure and it takes shape. Whether drawings or prints is left to the imagination. The ...

Künstlerische Ideensammlung

All interested visitors can bind their own individual notebook to record their thoughts and ideas in the future. The open workshop is included in museum admission and is aimed at children and adults ...

Copyright: Basler Papiermühle

We invite all those who like to experiment to duplicate small drawings from lines using the simplest of means and thus get to know an intaglio printing technique. The open workshop is included in ...

Copyright: Basler Papiermühle

We invite all those who like to experiment to duplicate small drawings from lines using the simplest of means and thus get to know an intaglio printing technique. The open workshop is included in ...

Copyright: Basler Papiermühle

The artist Gina Gunaratnam enlivens the intaglio studio and offers insights into her working methods. The offer is included in museum admission.

Copyright: Eveliina Marty

Illustrator Eveliina Marty enlivens the gravure studio. She creates atmospheres and tells stories with her pictures. She likes to try out different colors, textures and types of printing. She ...

Copyright: Basler Papiermühle

The Gelterkinden origami group creates colorful worlds out of paper. Under expert guidance, visitors can fold their own paper art. The open workshop is included in museum admission and is aimed at ...

Copyright: Basler Papiermühle

During the fall vacations, we are reviving our Atelier 39 and inviting you to experiment with us. The materials we will be working with this time remain a surprise. The open workshop is included in ...