Cartoonmuseum Basel

Cartoonmuseum Basel
The Cartoon Museum Basel is the only museum in Switzerland devoted exclusively to satirical art – ranging from the caricature to the comic. Thanks to its important collection of almost 3,400 original works and its curated, thematic and/or monographic exhibitions of original art, it has gained the position of a competence centre for the art of the satirical drawing.

The Cartoon Museum documents, communicates, promotes and explores the satirical drawing through alternating audience-friendly exhibitions of an international standard, which publicly present its collection in inspiring surroundings and stimulate and promote interest in this art among a wider public. Equal attention is devoted to classical as to contemporary works. Through an up-to-the-minute choice of theme and the inclusion of related areas such as comic, illustration and animation, the museum seeks out topical trends and so works with an eye to the next generation of visitors and artists. For this purpose it also networks with other international museums, institutions and personalities who devote their energies to the same or related themes.

47.55457, 7.596419


Cartoonmuseum Basel

St. Alban-Vorstadt 28
Opening hours
Open all year from
Tuesday - Sunday: 11:00-17:00

Closed on
Contact and additional information
+41 61 226 33 60

Currently in this museum

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What did the place where you live look like in prehistoric times? What will your home transform into in the distant future? Travel through time in your head and turn your experiences into a short ...

Cover "The New Yorker", person is running from street noise

The Wednesday guided tour focuses on Richard McGuire’s beginnings as a street artist whose posters were displayed in 1980s New York, as well as his time as the bassist in the pioneering post-punk band ...

Cover New Yorker

With the graphic novel ‘Here’, published in 2014, the illustrator, designer and artist Richard McGuire (b. 1957) of the USA created a cult book, which mixes up the evolution of our planet in one small ...

Man and woman walking in snowy landscape; buildings in the backround

The master is back! Gerhard Glück’s Basel-based fans have had to wait more than 25 years for his cryptic paintings to return to Cartoonmuseum Basel. In 2024, this artist, who was born in 1944 in Bad ...

Man and woman walking in snowy landscape; buildings in the backround

The Wednesday morning talks are a series of events that focus on contemporary issues or historico-cultural contexts. Invited comics artists and caricaturists or the exhibited artists often participate ...

Man and woman walking in snowy landscape; buildings in the backround

The master is back! Gerhard Glück’s Basel-based fans have had to wait more than 25 years for his cryptic paintings to return to Cartoonmuseum Basel. In 2024, this artist, who was born in 1944 in Bad ...