Cartoonmuseum Basel

Cartoonmuseum Basel
The Cartoon Museum Basel is the only museum in Switzerland devoted exclusively to satirical art – ranging from the caricature to the comic. Thanks to its important collection of almost 3,400 original works and its curated, thematic and/or monographic exhibitions of original art, it has gained the position of a competence centre for the art of the satirical drawing.

The Cartoon Museum documents, communicates, promotes and explores the satirical drawing through alternating audience-friendly exhibitions of an international standard, which publicly present its collection in inspiring surroundings and stimulate and promote interest in this art among a wider public. Equal attention is devoted to classical as to contemporary works. Through an up-to-the-minute choice of theme and the inclusion of related areas such as comic, illustration and animation, the museum seeks out topical trends and so works with an eye to the next generation of visitors and artists. For this purpose it also networks with other international museums, institutions and personalities who devote their energies to the same or related themes.

47.55457, 7.596419


Cartoonmuseum Basel

St. Alban-Vorstadt 28
Opening hours
Open all year from
Tuesday - Sunday: 11:00-17:00

Closed on
Contact and additional information
+41 61 226 33 60

Currently in this museum

Hand rising from the ground and holding a cutter

With: Thomas Ott, Basel-based artist and comics author, Christian Gasser, co-author of the publication, Lucerne, and Anette Gehrig, director and curator of Cartoonmuseum Basel

© Thomas Ott «Les Millionaires» 1996

The curator's tour with Anette Gehrig and the artist provides an exciting insight into Thomas Ott's forty years of creative work. In addition to the development of his work in terms of content and ...

Family portrait

With scratchboard, everything is the other way round: You sit in front of a black surface, and scratch out white lines and areas. Your hatchings are not shadows, but light. If you wish to take part ...

Skulls and sceletal band referencing the mexican "Dia de los Muertos"; written "Que viva la muerte"

This guided tour provides fascinating insight into Thomas Ott’s forty years of creative output. It demonstrates the development of his oeuvre in terms of form and content, along with the scratchboard ...

Self portrait with burning head

Talk and live drawing with Thomas Ott, scratchboard master. With precise movements of his craft knife, this artist scratches his mostly bleak stories out of the darkness of black card. In these grim ...

feet of a person laying on the floor

Location: Fumetto Comic Festival Luzern (Maskenliebhabersaal, Süsswinkel 7, 6004 Luzern) Thomas Ott is the figurehead of Swiss comics and has a lot to say about the 40 years of Swiss underground ...

Family portrait

Location: Monday: Cartoonmuseum Basel Tuesday-Friday: Druckstelle Basel (Aktienmühle, Raum 122, Gärtnerstrasse 46, 4057 Basel) Black is not a colour, but it has many nuances. Based on scratchboard ...

Self portrait with burning head

Advanced scratchboard! Master illustrator Thomas Ott offers a scratchboard workshop for ambitious artists who already have some experience. The scratching know-how conveyed in these three highly ...

Two grim-looking conductors look into train compartment, stressed passenger looks at his ticket

This guided tour provides fascinating insight into Thomas Ott’s forty years of creative output. It demonstrates the development of his oeuvre in terms of form and content, along with the scratchboard ...

Man enters and is greeted by vulva with legs

The two comic greats Thomas Ott and Simone F. Baumann draw together with consummate skill, against a backdrop of live sounds served up by the artist, musician and actor Johnny Mancini, who blends new ...

Man sitting on the beach

Venue: Kaserne Basel Cartoonmuseum Basel is present at the art book fair ‘I Never Read’ with a selection of art books. Signing with Thomas Ott: Wednesday, 18.6., 6pm (vernissage) and Saturday, 21.6 ...

Hans-Jürgen giesst seine virtuellen Kakteen einmal in der Woche

The master is back! Gerhard Glück's fans in Basel had to be patient for over 25 years before his enigmatic paintings returned to the Cartoon Museum. The artist, who was born in Bad Vilbel in 1944 ...

© Thomas Ott «Les Millionaires» 1996

Thomas Ott (*10.6.1966, Zurich) is the most internationally renowned Swiss-German comic author. His mezzotint works combine a black-heavy, film-oriented visual language with dark, nightmarish stories ...

Selbstportrait aus der Vogelperspektive

The comic author Alison Bechdel (*10.9.1960, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, USA) became known to a wide audience through her graphic novel and "New York Times" bestseller "Fun Home. A Family of Drawn" ...

Politiker am Tisch

Christophe Blain (*10.8.1970, Gennevilliers, France) is one of France's most renowned comic authors and an exceptionally versatile artist who masters all tonalities between sparse, quick ink drawing ...