PROTEST! From anger to movement

Key Visual der Ausstellung "PROTEST! Von der Wut zur Bewegung"
Ansicht der Ausstellung "PROTEST!"
Foto einer Demonstration für Menschenrechte
This exhibition is available in
Experience exhibition in the Old Palace, Stuttgart
Waving flags and globally shared hashtags, petitions and demonstrations with thousands of people - protest has many faces and is more topical than ever. Despite their diversity, all protest movements also have things in common and a similar dynamic. But how do protests come about in the first place? What makes people angry? What motivates them to take to the streets for freedom and justice?

The experiential exhibition "PROTEST! From anger to movement" will make all of this tangible from October 2024: It examines which experiences of injustice, not being heard and deprivation lead people to network and resist. It shows how a movement develops, how protests can escalate and what effects they have.

Immerse yourself in past and current protest movements. Get to know the means and opportunities to help shape the future through your protest. In immersive worlds and interactive stations, you can get to know the structures and processes of movements and recurring protests for social justice and equality - globally and regionally, from the peace movement to Fridays for Future.

Die Ausstellung "PROTEST! Von der Wut zur Bewegung" ist Teil der Großen Landesausstellung "500 Jahre Bauernkrieg". Unter der Schirmherrschaft von Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann erinnert das Landesmuseum Württemberg mit insgesamt fünf Projekten an den Bauernkrieg von 1524/25.

Die Ausstellung wird gefördert aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM), durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg und durch die Berthold Leibinger Stiftung.
Schillerplatz 6
(Altes Schloss)
+49 711 89 535 111
Opening hours