Ideal lines - advertising graphics of the 50s and 60s

Werbeanzeigen der Firma Salamander von Lilo Rasch-Nagele, Otto Glaser und Franz Weiss
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By Otto Glaser, Lilo Rasch-Naegele and Franz Weiss
Advertising graphics and design work with visual signals about the advantages and benefits of the goods on offer and thus convey messages that create demand.
However, the advertising graphics of Otto Glaser, Lilo Rasch-Naegele and Franz Weiss from the 1950s and 1960s show that the advertised article does not always have to be the focus.
During the economic upswing of the 1950s, many brands in and outside Baden-Württemberg focused on images of modern, pleasurable lifestyles, elegance and fashion rather than purely commercial graphics to represent their brands. Whether for Salamander, Bosch, Daimler-Benz, Triumph or Persil, images of relaxed lifestyles, elegant shapes and happy families were well received and showcased the advertised consumer goods, sometimes more, sometimes less conspicuously. A compilation of design drawings, finished advertising materials and the advertised consumer goods is now intended to provide an overview of the advertising activities of the companies, especially those in Baden-Württemberg, and the advertising graphics of Otto Glaser, Lilo Rasch-Naegeles and Franz Weiss in the 1950s and 1960s.
Stuttgarter Straße 93
+49 7154 202 7401
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