Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim

Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim
History and tradition
5.000 Jahre Schmuck
Devoted to the history of jewellery, the Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim (Pforzheim Jewellery Museum) is the only museum of its kind worldwide. Some 2000 exhibits, including an extensive ring collection, reveal the vast diversity of jewellery over five thousand years. The collection on permanent display focuses on treasures from Greco-Roman antiquity, the Renaissance and Jugendstil/Art Nouveau as well as contemporary art jewellery.

Moreover, there are collections of Ethnic Jewellery and pocket watches at display. The history of the jewellery industry in the ‘golden' city of Pforzheim is also surveyed. In addition, visitors can continue to rediscover the Museum at regular special exhibitions.
The Reuchlin House, inaugurated in 1961 as the Pforzheim Municipal Cultural Centre, is a jewel of architecture. Designed in the ‘International Style' by the architect Manfred Lehmbruck, it has always been one of the most architecturally interesting buildings in the Museum complex.

48.88579, 8.69713


Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim

Jahnstraße 42
(im Reuchlinhaus)
Opening hours
Open all year from
Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00-17:00

Closed on
Contact and additional information
+49 7231 39 21 26

Currently in this museum

Ausgeräumte Vitrinen im Schmuckmuseum – Besucher sind eingeladen zu kuratieren, © SMP, Foto B. Friese

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The longest Wellendorff necklace, Pforzheim, 2015

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