47.560218, 8.057199
Currently in this museum

As M$G, Jodok and Ramon (Basel, Lucerne, Willisau) explore how contemporary hip-hop can sound and live multidimensional masculinity. ALY-X (Aleyna Günay, Zurich) combines harsh noise, speedcore and ...

Tobias Langscheid (Basel) introduces the work of Paul Schatz (1898-1979). Scientific and aesthetic inspiration can be found in the work of the mathematician and artist Paul Schatz (1898-1979, born in ...

Three institutions talk about electricity in Laufenburg, its production, distribution and storage on site. With Marcel Aumer, FlexBase Holding GmbH (Laufenburg AG); a representative of Swissgrid AG ...

Presentations and discussion with the atmospheric scientist Dr. Lubna Dada (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen) and the art scientist Dr. Yvonne Volkart (Institute Art Gender Nature, HGK Basel FHNW) ...

In the footsteps of Erwin Rehmann Thursday, May 15, 1:20 p.m. Excursion to Bad Zurzach to see works of art in public spaces Meeting point: Laufenburg SBB train station, bus terminal 1.30 p.m.

Three-part listening session, "Panta Rhei on the Rhine", with the artist Haseeb Ahmed (Brussels, Belgium), guided tours of the exhibition with the curator Michael Hiltbrunner (Rehmann Museum). "Pantha ...

In Laufenburg, the hydroelectric power plant and the switchgear were two milestones in electricity supply beyond the country's borders. Leibstadt is home to Switzerland's youngest nuclear power plant ...