Musée Serret

Musée Serret
History and tradition
In this region the Musée Serret has the richest collection of weapons, equipment and documents from the First World War. Apart from its collections in the fields of art, history, old professions, industry and life of the region, the museum is also hosting a special exhibition that will run till 15th November 2018. Its title is "From the Other Side" or "From War to Peace". It ranges from the severe consequences of this conflict up to the 1920s, the "roaring twenties".

47.8753019, 7.0295787


Musée Serret

7 rue Clémenceau
Opening hours
Open all year from
Wednesday - Sunday: 14:00-18:00

Contact and additional information
+33 3 89 38 24 66

Currently in this museum