Update! Scene change 1

Wilhelm Ludwig Riefstahl Segnung der Fluren, 1880-82 Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe Foto: Heinz Pelz
Friedrich Kallmorgen Herbstsonne, 1882 Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe, Leihgabe Sparkasse Karlsruhe Foto: Heinz Pelz
Gerhard Richter Porträt Johannes Wasmuth, 1966 Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe Foto: Heinz Pelz
This exhibition is available in
How can we think about the museum today? What will the art collection of the future look like?
How are concept and program reflected in the architecture of a museum? After
After its 40th anniversary, the Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe is questioning its role as an institution, its history
as well as its history, its collection holdings, and its self-image. Various
thematic rooms, in which historical positions and works of contemporary art meet,
invite visitors to rediscover the collection in the light of current issues.
Lichthof 10
Lorenzstraße 27
+49 721 133 44 44
Opening hours