Stone carpets - Roman mosaic floors from city villas in Mainz

Römisch, Mainzer Orpheusmosaik (Detail) © GDKE Landesmuseum Mainz, Foto: K. Pelka
Römisch, Mainzer Orpheusmosaik © GDKE Landesmuseum Mainz, Foto: K. Pelka
Römisch, Mainzer Orpheusmosaik © GDKE Landesmuseum Mainz, Foto: K. Pelka
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A joint presentation of the Landesmuseum Mainz and the Landesarchäologie Mainz
In contrast to Trier and Cologne with numerous mosaic floors from Roman times, Mainz was long considered a mosaic-less city. In a joint project, Landesarchäologie Mainz and Landesmuseum Mainz now want to present a new picture of Roman Mogontiacum. For the first time, the entire inventory (old and new finds) of Roman mosaics in Mainz will be made visible to the public in an exhibition.
The exhibition will begin with the presentation of the Orpheus mosaic, which was uncovered in 1995 in a city villa of the 2nd and 3rd centuries in the Badergasse. This largest Mainz mosaic to date shows Orpheus with a stringed instrument surrounded by animals in the central tondo.
After the cleaning and consolidation of further Mainz mosaics, these are to be successively presented to the public in the Marstall of the Landesmuseum in the coming months.
presented to the public.
Große Bleiche 49-51
+49 6131 28 570
Opening hours