Offenburg in the World. A City between 800 and 1800

Abteilung Wissen
Abteilungen Glaube und Krieg
Offenburger Globussegmentkarte
1,000 years of the town's history, narrated in five fascinating stages. Excavation finds from the early Middle Ages reveal the first traces of settlement. How did the Offenburg families live? The centrepiece of the exhibition is a historically staged library room. From 19.5 to 13.10, in an exhibition unique throughout the world, visitors can marvel at Martin Waldseemüüler's map (Universalis Cosmographica), the so-called baptism certificate of America.
Precious relics and cloister artefacts testify to the significance of religion in the Free Imperial city of Offenburg. Some terrifying weapons from the museum's collection show how the wars of the 17th century afflicted the town. The exhibition finally portrays the reconstruction after the great fire in the city and the end of the Imperial City epoch and concludes with an exciting spy story.
Ritterstraße 10
+49 781 82 25 77
Opening hours