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Italian painting from the Lindenau Museum Altenburg
Umkreis des Pinturicchio, Madonna, um 1500, Leihgabe Lindenau-Museum Altenburg, Foto: Bertram Kober
Magnificent golds and bright colors, elegant lines and refined artistic techniques - this is how precious Italian paintings by Fra Angelico, Guido da Siena or Sandro Botticelli inspire. They were created in famous art centers such as Florence or Siena. The exhibition shows the pictorial world of churches and private devotion, but also offers insights into the art of stately courts. The Lindenau Museum in Altenburg owns one of the most important collections of Italian paintings from the 13th to the early 16th century abroad. On the occasion of its renovation, the treasures are guests in Freiburg.
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Museum details

Augustinerplatz 1-3
Freiburg im Breisgau
+49 761 20 12 521
Opening hours

47.994435, 7.852389