Albert Säger (1866-1924)

SABA-Werbung mit Bollenhut-Trägerinnen (c) Stadtarchiv Villingen-Schwenningen
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Memories of a global enterprise
The painter Albert Säger from Villingen has left many traces in his hometown. Particularly present are his facade paintings on his own home and the Café Raben. However, he also excelled as the creator of numerous paintings and drawings depicting scenes from Villingen and the surrounding area - often with a historicizing, nostalgic, transfiguring look. His work shows how an artist transformed models from photography or painting into his own works, how he sought his place in the field of tension between history and modernity, and ultimately shaped the self-image of a town that was in the process of reinventing itself.

Admission: 7 euros, reduced 5 euros
Rietgasse 2
+49 7721 82 23 51
Opening hours