With letter and seal. Guided tour of the medieval document collections of the town of Neuenburg am Rhein

Notiz im Tennenbacher Güterbuch zur Stadtgründung (1317-1341)
This event is available in
Museum and archive tour with city archivist Sabine Strupp
Deeds are the most important written sources for the Middle Ages. Even though only a few people could write, people wanted to have rights and contractual agreements confirmed "with letter and seal", i.e. with sealed documents. In addition to information about the actual legal transaction, deeds also offer fascinating insights into political relationships, family and friendship ties, property relationships and infrastructure in the medieval town, language and expression, local legal practice and much more.

Under the guidance of city archivist Sabine Strupp, discover selected documents from the holdings of the city archives and the Museum of City History. Experience the fascination of documents that are several hundred years old and learn more about life in medieval Neuchâtel.

Start: 15.00 hrs
Duration: approx. 45 minutes.
Location: Museum of City History, Franziskanerplatz 4
Registration is not required.
The tour is free of charge, admission to the museum is 2 euros.
Franziskanerplatz 4
Neuenburg am Rhein
+49 7631-791-284
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 24 November 2024
Additional informations
Exhibitions in this museum
Plakat zur Ausstellung
Neuenburg am Rhein

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