Culture break on 19.9.2024, 12:30 pm

Der Salmen Offenburg © Jigal Fichtner
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Cultural break with the topic: How September 12, 1847 became a major event

Around 900 people gathered in the Salmensaal on September 12, 1847 for the meeting to which the "Determined Friends of the Constitution" had invited in order to proclaim the 13 demands of the people. By the standards of the time and the size of the hall, it was a huge event. Why did so many people come together in the Salmen? How did they know about it? And how did the organizers manage to get so many people excited about this event? This short tour provides the answers!

Duration: 15 minutes, free of charge
Lange Straße 52
+49 781 82 2701
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 19 September 2024
Additional informations
Exhibitions in this museum
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