3 times three. Collection - Museum - City history

Wappen der Stadt Neuenburg am Rhein
Siegel der Stadt Neuenburg am Rhein
This event is available in
Introductory tour with Simone Kern, museum director
During a short and entertaining guided tour, three special exhibits from the museum will be presented to give visitors a first insight into the collection of the town history museum. The objects from different eras span several centuries of Neuchâtel's history and show the unusual and rich history of the town. The guided tour is also intended to provide a look behind the scenes and an insight into the museum's work.

Start: 15.00 hrs
Duration: approx. 45 minutes.
Location: Museum of City History, Franziskanerplatz 4
Registration is not required.
The tour is free of charge, admission to the museum is 2 euros.
Franziskanerplatz 4
Neuenburg am Rhein
+49 7631-791-284
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 29 September 2024
Additional informations
Exhibitions in this museum
Plakat zur Ausstellung
Neuenburg am Rhein

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