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Privacy Policy mobile application "Museums-PASS-Musées"

Company details

Name : Gilles Meyer
Phone: +41 61 205 00 00 40
Email :
Company name: Association Museums-PASS-Musées

Data protection officer contact details

Name: Eliane Staub
Telephone: +41 61 205 00 00 40
Company name: Association Museums-PASS-Musées

Data protection declaration

As a user of our mobile app "Museums-PASS-Musées", you will receive all the necessary information in this data protection statement about the manner, extent and purpose of the collection and use of data that we or third-party providers collect. We are particularly concerned about the confidentiality of your personal data and therefore work strictly within the limits set by law. We will only pass on such data to third parties with your express consent. We ensure a high level of security for all exchanges between the application "Museums-PASS-Musées" and servers, using SSL encryption.

Information, deletion, blocking

You will receive information at any time and free of charge about the personal data we have stored about you, as well as the origin, recipient and purpose of the data collection and processing. You also have the right to request the correction, blocking or deletion of your data. This does not apply to data that is stored in accordance with legal requirements or that is necessary for the proper conduct of business. Data is stored in a lock file for control purposes, so that it can be locked at any time. If data is not collected as part of a legal archiving obligation, we will delete your data at your request. If the archiving obligation applies,

we block your data. If you have any questions or concerns about correcting, blocking or deleting personal data, please contact our data protection officer under the contact details listed in this data protection declaration.

Your rights

You can request information about your stored data. We invite you to send your request for information to the above address. Proof of your identity must be attached to your inquiry.

We thus offer you the opportunity to request the deletion or rectification of data at any time. You are also entitled to revoke your consent to the use or processing of your personal data for the future at any time.

Collection of access data

When you access our mobile app "Museums-PASS-Musées", anonymous data records such as the pages you visit in the app, the current date, the data volume, the mobile platform and its version are made and sent to an analysis tool whose data is under our protection (no third-party server). We use this data for statistical purposes and to work on the continuous improvement of our offer.


The "Museums-PASS-Musées" mobile application may use data relating to your geographical location when the application is running in the background. This data allows the app to offer notification features about museums, exhibitions or events near your general location.
Your geographical position can be determined with varying degrees of accuracy using the following: GPS and other sensor data from your device, IP address, information about things in the vicinity of your device such as Wi-Fi hotspots, base stations and Bluetooth enabled devices.
We do not store or transmit any data relating to your location. The type of location data we collect depends in part on the settings on your device and in your account. For example, you can enable or disable location tracking on your device in its settings.

Third-party content and services

The offering on our mobile app "Museums-PASS-Musées" may also include content, services and performance from other providers that complement our offering. Examples of such offers are Google Maps, YouTube videos or third-party graphics. Regular calls to these services from third parties require the transmission of your IP address. This enables these providers to perceive your user IP address and store it. We endeavor to include only third-party providers who use IP addresses solely for content delivery. However, we have no influence on which third-party provider may store the IP address. This storage may be used for statistical purposes, for example. If we become aware of third-party storage processes, we will immediately inform our users. In this context, please also note the special data protection declarations for individual third-party suppliers and service providers whose services we use on our mobile app "Museums-PASS-Musées". You will also find them in this data protection declaration.

Personal information

We take the protection of your personal data seriously and strictly adhere to the legal provisions and this data protection declaration when collecting and processing personal data. If the purpose of data collection ceases to apply or the end of the legal retention period is reached, the collected data will be blocked or deleted. Our mobile application "Museums-PASS-Musées" can be used regularly without the transmission of personal data. If we collect personal data - such as your name, address or e-mail address - this is done on a voluntary basis. This data will not be disclosed to third parties without your express consent. Please note that data transmission over the Internet is not always secure. Protection of data exchange cannot be guaranteed, especially in e-mail traffic.

Server log files

Server log files are anonymous data collected when you use our mobile application "Museums-PASS-Musées". This information does not allow us to draw any personal conclusions about you, but for technical reasons it is essential for the delivery and presentation of our content. It also serves our statistical purposes and the constant optimization of our content. Typical log files are the date and time of access, the amount of data, the operating system used and its version, the pages you visit in the app and your IP address.



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