Museum Ulm

Pressefoto_Museum Ulm_(Stiftung Sammlung Kurt Fried)_Foto Henry M. Linder
Museum Ulm_(Kiechelsaal)_Foto Henry M. Linder
Museum Ulm_Kunst- und Wunderkammer Christoph Weickmann_Foto Henry M. Linder
The Museum Ulm has been under reconstruction since April 17, 2023, and therefore is closed at the moment.
Until the end of the construction work in autumn 2025, it can be found in the neighbouring kunsthalle weishaupt, among other places. From January 2024, the Museum Ulm will be a guest there with an annual exhibition of works. Then the famous Lion Man will also be on display again. The approximately 40,000-year-old man-animal sculpture made of mammoth ivory is unique in the world.

The Museum Ulm is a unique universal museum of art and cultural history. The focus of medieval art is the outstanding collection of late Gothic painting and sculpture. With the Kurt Fried Collection Foundation, it presents the most important artistic trends of the USA and Europe of the 20th century. The highlight of the Archaeological Collection is the "Lion Man" from the UNESCO World Heritage Site Stadel Cave, one of the oldest figurative carvings in the world.

The HfG Archive Ulm, Am Hochsträß 8, 89081 Ulm, in the original rooms of the former Hochschule für Gestaltung is open regularly.

48.396995320346, 9.9946212623184


Museum Ulm

Marktplatz 9
Opening hours

Museum closed for an indefinite period
Due to extensive reconstruction and renovation work, the Museum Ulm is closed until the end of 2025.

During the renovation, we will be guests at the neighbouring kunsthalle weishaupt with various exhibition formats. From January 2024, the Lion Man (UNESCO World Heritage) will also be on display there again. You can find current information on our website.
Contact and additional information
+49 731 161 4301

Currently in this museum


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