Twelve thousand items

Maske aus dunkelbraunem Holz mit rötlichen Augen, gespaltener Nase, grossem leicht geöffnetem Mund, aus dem die Zunge links herausgestreckt ist. Anstatt Haare trägt die Maske einen Sack.
Kleines weisses Figürchen mit schwarz aufgemaltem Haar, das um den Hals zwei riesige weisse Muscheln trägt, befestigt mit einer rötlichen Wollschnur.
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The beginnings of the European collection
Between 1900 and 1936, a collection of European ethnography began to take shape in the museum. Items of everyday life, as well as such pertaining to faith and festivities were assembled. Notably, not only bourgeois museum men were involved in this process. Caretakers, hotel staff and children also contributed; even moths, war, and chance played a part, albeit unintentionally. On their way to the museum, some of the items experienced bizarre, even tragic stories. The exhibition explores these circumstances.
Münsterplatz 20
+41 61 266 56 00
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