Prince Max Palace

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A house tells story(s)
The City Museum's special exhibition focuses on the history of the Prinz Max Palais. Built between 1881 and 1884 as the retirement home of millionaire August Schmieder, the palace came into the possession of the last heir to the Baden throne, Prince Max of Baden, at the turn of the century and still bears his name today. Max von Baden was followed by various tenants and users until 1951, when the Federal Constitutional Court found its first home here. After the court left the building in 1969, the Prinz-Max-Palais became the property of the city of Karlsruhe and has since housed various cultural institutions.

We invite you to experience the Prinz-Max-Palais, with which many Karlsruhe residents associate numerous personal memories, from new perspectives. In the special exhibition, you can expect not only historical photographs and objects, but also learn more about the plans for the future of the building.
Karlstraße 10
+49 721 133 4234
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