Origin [un]clarified.

Johann Peter Melchior / Höchst, Die erlegte Taube, um 1775, Porzellan, Inv.-Nr. KH 1935/86, Foto: © GDKE - Landesmuseum Mainz (Foto: U. Rudischer)
Jan de Beyer, Ansicht des Mainzer Domes, 1753, Federzeichnung auf Papier, Inv.-Nr. GS 1937/3206, Foto: © GDKE - Landesmuseum Mainz (Foto: U. Rudischer)
Anonym, Ansicht von Mainz, nach 1782, Öl auf Leinwand, Inv.-Nr. 1226, Foto: © GDKE - Landesmuseum Mainz (Foto: A. Garth)
This exhibition is available in
The Acquisitions of the Museum of Antiquities and the Picture Gallery of the City of Mainz 1933-1945
There are impressive, harrowing, and in many parts incomplete stories associated with the artworks in the Landesmuseum Mainz and their former owners, which will be told in this show. The cabinet exhibition presents the results of a multi-year research project, funded by the German Center for the Loss of Cultural Property, which investigated the origins of the acquisitions of the Gemäldegalerie (Picture Gallery) and the Altertumsmuseum (Museum of Ancient Art) of the city of Mainz - the predecessor institutions of today's Landesmuseum - in order to identify cultural assets in the holdings that may have been seized as a result of Nazi persecution. This also revealed fundamental insights into the art city of Mainz under National Socialism, a topic that has hardly been researched to date. Which collectors and patrons, long forgotten today, lived in the city, which art dealers flourished before, during and after the Nazi era, and from which sources did the municipal collections acquire their art? These questions have been investigated in recent years. The insights gained from this work are being comprehensively addressed for the first time in the cabinet exhibition.
Große Bleiche 49-51
+49 6131 28 570
Opening hours