Kosmos Klee. The Collection

Klaxon: mensário de arte moderna, São Paulo, erschienen 1922–1923
This exhibition is available in
FOKUS: Journals of the Avant-Garde
A chronological overview of Klee's artistic work. In one room the smaller focus exhibition Journals of the Avant-Garde is shown.
The permanent exhibition Kosmos Klee. The Collection offers visitors a chronological survey of Klee’s artistic career and presents some seventy works as well as biographical material and items from the archive that are regularly changed.
In this context of the new permanent exhibition we are devoting one FOKUS room to smaller exhibitions with a thematic reference to Paul Klee and his work.

FOKUS: Journals of the Avant-Garde
The 20th century was the age of the avant-gardes. All over the world, movements formed with a desire for a radical redesign of the world and a rethinking of art. To spread their visions, many avant-garde movements published journals. These allowed a global exchange of artistic ideas, as happens today on the World Wide Web. The journals did not only contain manifestos, images and programmatic texts that could not be published anywhere else, but also embodied artistic visions in terms of design and typography. From the contemporary point of view these journals are not only unique art-historical sources; they also set standards in the history of design. For that reason, the exhibition casts light for the first time on journals as a central and globally deployed medium of artistic modernity, in which art and design, form and content become a single unit.

Curator: Martin Waldmeier
Monument im Fruchtland 3
+41 31 359 01 01
Opening hours