In the flow of life

Rémy Trevisan,  Im Fluss des Lebens,  2005/06,  Foto: HP Kammerer, Rottweil
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Rémy Trevisan on his sixty-fifth birthday
The painter and draftsman Rémy Trevisan, who has been based in Schramberg since 1987, is one of the renowned representatives of the visual arts in his adopted southwestern German home. His striking visual language, which combines figuration and abstraction, defies classification in the current trends of contemporary art.
In his drawings and paintings, Rémy Trevisan uses gestural lines to create fabric-like structures: multi-layered webs of shapes and colors, which have recently been inscribed with figurative motifs. With his pictorial inventions he responds to basic questions of human existence; for Rémy Trevisan, the cycle of life is reflected in his art.
The exhibition community "Kunst Raum Rottweil" in connection with Podium Kunst Schramberg honors Rémy Trevisan's artistic work in a solo exhibition on his 65th birthday. On display are the artist's top works in painting and drawing from the past 35 years.
Kriegsdamm 4
+49 741 7662
Opening hours