Durlach x 100

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100 donations from 100 years of the Pfinzgaumuseum
In spring 2024, the Pfinzgaumuseum in the Karlsburg Durlach will celebrate a very special anniversary: one hundred years ago, on April 13, 1924, it opened its doors for the first time. From the very beginning, the museum received broad support from the local population - above all in the form of donations, which continuously expanded its collection.
With the special exhibition "Durlach x 100", the Pfinzgaumuseum would like to pay tribute to this enduring connection between the people of Durlach and "their" museum. The exhibition therefore focuses on 100 donations that the Pfinzgaumuseum has received since it was founded.
The range of exhibits includes everyday objects, objects from crafts, agriculture and trade, children's toys, items of clothing, documents and paintings, thus painting a lively and varied picture of Durlach's older and more recent past.
Pfinztalstraße 9
+49 721 133 4217
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