Do you want it gone?

Ausstellungsplakat "Soll das weg?"
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Collecting in uncertain times
People collect. They gather things together in order to consume them. But people also collect objects that they keep. Those objects are preserved to which a commemorative value or a special significance is attributed.
More than a hundred years ago, Schopfheim's then town pastor and district monument preservationist Rudolf Faisst began to create a public collection of historical and folkloric objects. They were intended to "awaken the historical sense in order to stimulate interest in the narrower and wider homeland."
The Schopfheim collection survived world wars and crises, changed its domicile several times and is today one of the oldest museum collections in the Markgräflerland. But what about the historical sense at present?
Is the aging museum of the city of Schopfheim more burden than pleasure?

The exhibition presents a cross-section of the museum's collection and in particular also shows new acquisitions of the past two years. It makes an attempt to convey the tasks and significance of museum collecting and to revive interest in a constantly changing, diverse homeland.
Wallstraße 10
+49 7622 39 61 90
Opening hours