New fees at the municipal museums from January 1 and first Friday of the month free in future

Eintrittsbereich der Ausstellung mit Blick in den Raum
Collagen und Bilder der Schülerausstellung
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From January 1, 2024, new admission prices will apply for the Rastatt Municipal Museums and a completely new free day will be added
From January 1, 2024, new admission prices will apply for the Rastatt Municipal Museums: In future, adults will pay €4 instead of the previous €3 for admission to the City Museum, the Municipal Gallery, the Historical Library and the Riedmuseum Rastatt-Ottersdorf. Reduced tickets (for pensioners) will then be available to visitors for €2 instead of the previous €1. The fees for booked guided tours will also be moderately increased: In future, €45 (instead of €40) will be payable per group during the week and €55 (instead of €50) at weekends. On the one hand, the adjustment takes account of general price increases, while on the other hand it is based on houses of a comparable size. On the other hand, the costs for museum educational offers for children and young people remain unchanged: Per head, it remains at €1 or €4 with increased material costs. As before, many groups of people are exempt from paying any fees at all. These include children and young people under the age of 18, trainees and students, severely disabled people with a severe disability of 50 percent or more and recipients of unemployment and citizens' benefits.

A completely new addition is a free day: From the new year, visitors can visit the municipal museums free of charge on the first Friday of every month. January 5 is the first opportunity for this. Visitors can currently view the current special exhibition "Point of View" in the Fruchthalle Municipal Gallery. In addition to the permanent exhibitions on the city's history from 1700 onwards and the permanent exhibition on the archaeology of the city and the region, which will not open until 2022, two special exhibitions are currently on display in the city museum: In the foyer, a cabinet exhibition is dedicated to inns at the time of the Baden Revolution and a photo exhibition shows works by pupils from Ludwig-Wilhelm-Gymnasium, which also deal with the Baden Revolution. Both exhibitions are a prelude to the coming commemorative year, which is dedicated to the fight for freedom and basic rights 175 years ago, which reached its final climax in Rastatt in 1849.
Am Kirchplatz 6
+49 7222 972 84 00/01 (Stadtmuseum Rastatt) oder +49 7222 25 509 (PAMINA Rheinparkzentrale vor Ort)
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
Friday - Sunday: 14:00-18:00