Simone Eisele: after Millet.

Installation eines geschnitzen Stuhls, Lampe, Spielzeugauto, Papier, und Trümmer
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19th scholarship holder of the HAP Grieshaber Foundation
Simone Eisele (*1994 in Reutlingen) presents newly created sculptures and installations from the studio of the HAP Grieshaber Foundation. They respond to her temporary return to rural areas and thus also to the environment in which she grew up. The artist takes up enigmatic motifs from Jean-François Millet's once extraordinarily popular painting and their replication in modern and postmodern art. Eisele focuses on motifs of the so-called simple life, physical labor (of women) and their post-industrial alienation. Her interest in popular culture, myths and customs puts her on a narrow course between the fleeting idyll and a contrast between imitated everyday life and the museum space.
Spend­haus­stra­ße 4 und Eber­hard­stra­ße 14 (Wandel-​​​​​Hal­len)
+49 7121 303 2322
Opening hours
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Content available online
Events in this museum
Tisch, Vase mit Blumen, Fernseher, Teller, Messer und Gabel

Opening of the exhibition from 18:00 Place: Spendhausstraße 4, 72764 Reutlingen


Opening of the exhibition at Kunstmuseum Reutlingen | Galerie Place: Wandel-Hallen, Eberhardstraße 14, 72764 Reutlingen

Logo des Kunstmuseum Reutlingen

Opening of the exhibition from 19:00 Place: Wandel-Hallen, Eberhardstraße 14, 72764 Reutlingen

Logo Kunstmuseum Reutlingen, schwarze Buchstaben auf weißem Hintergrund

We offer regularly changing public tours in German through our exhibitions. Always Sundays from 11:30 to 12:30. More information on our website.