Hommage à la France

Vera Molnar, Hommage à Renoir, 1968, Foto: Gerhard Sauer  © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024
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Works from the Marli Hoppe-Ritter Collection
The exhibition is dedicated to the various voices of concrete art in France with a view to the collection. The selection of works, which spans almost an entire century, clearly shows the lively exchange within the closely networked group of artists. The focus of the show is on works of painting, supplemented by reliefs, objects and light-kinetic and installation works. The majority of the exhibits were created in the three decades after 1945, which to a certain extent also reflects the enormous cultural flourishing of that era.
Alfred-Ritter-Straße 27
+49 7157 53 51 10
Opening hours
Content available online