Aqua Terra

Affiche de l'exposition Aqua Terra
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For the summer season, the François Schneider Foundation presents a temporary exhibition entitled "Aqua Terra", showcasing contemporary ceramics through the sculptural work of 32 ceramic artists.
"Aqua Terra" offers the opportunity to plunge into a world both tangible and fantastic, where the imagination is set free through the magic of ceramics. Structured in six parts, the exhibition unveils different universes linked to the aquatic world, transporting visitors from the sunny beach to the marine horizon, from the polar regions to the depths of the ocean. The artists have explored all manifestations of water, from the beauty of icebergs floating in the oceans to underwater life with its colorful corals and marine animals.
The ceramic sculptures provide a striking representation of these different sources of inspiration around water, while conveying its fragility and delicacy as a precious ecosystem.
Jeanne Andrieu • Agathe Brahami-Ferron • Mélanie Broglio • Mathilde Cochepin • Rose-Marie Crespin • Johan Creten • Cordina & Mérovée Dubois • Alexandra Engelfriet • Cécile Fouillade • Jean-François Fouilhoux • Sébastien Gouju • Elsa Guillaume • Leïla Helmstetter • Marie Heughebeart • Safia Hijos • Romuald Jandolo • Alexandre et Florentine Lamarche-Ovize • Claire Lindner • Cat Loray • Weronika Lucinska • Petra Marianne Meier • Aline Morvan • Le Palais du Corbeau • Lisa Pelisson • Muriel Persil • Clément Petibon • Sarah Pschorn • Grégoire Scalabre • Aline Schmitt • Kartini Thomas • Félicien Umbreit • Bénédicte Vallet
27 rue de la Première Armée
+33 3 89 82 10 10
Opening hours
Wednesday - Sunday: 11:00-18:00
Content available online
Events in this museum
Météo campagne - Fondation François Schneider

Sunday, July 28, 2024 Evening presented in partnership with Météo - Mulhouse Music festival. (With purchase of admission ticket)

La nuit des étoiles - Fondation François Schneider

Saturday, August 10, 2024 Special program for Starry Night: guided tours, Tarot card creation and other activities.

Visites guidées Fondation François Schneider

Every first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m: - May 5, 2024 - June 2, 2024 - July 7, 2024 - August 4, 2024 - September 1, 2024 (upon purchase of an admission ticket)