Haus der Graphischen Sammlung

Freiburg im Breisgau
Haus der Graphischen Sammlung, Kleinodientreppe
Haus der Graphischen Sammlung, Außenansicht
The graphic collections of the Augustiner Museum and the Museum für Neue Kunst have had a new home since 2016: three storerooms provide space for 90,000 drawings, prints and photographs, which are stored in ideal humidity and temperature conditions. Of course, graphics are not only kept here, but also displayed. The temporary exhibition room hosts three exhibitions a year, ranging from medieval woodcuts in small format up to contemporary imagery in black ink. The special exhibitions presented here are organised by the Augustiner Museum or the Museum für Neue Kunst. Lovers of the graphic arts from all eras will be delighted.

47.993811, 7.853344


Haus der Graphischen Sammlung

Salzstraße 32
Freiburg im Breisgau
ganzjährig geöffnet ab
Dienstag - Donnerstag: 10:00-17:00
Freitag: 10:00-19:00
Samstag - Sonntag: 10:00-17:00

Kontakt und zusätzliche Informationen
+49 761 201 2550

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