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The Frog King

Drama and puppetry
Zwei Frauen, eine mit Krönchen auf dem Kopf, die andere mit einem Schild, auf dem Prinzessin steht, stehen in einem goldenen Rahmen. Eine Handpuppe in Gestalt eines Frosches blickt neugierig auf die goldene Kugel in der Hand  einer der Prinzessinnen.
Once upon a time there was a princess. She was just like princesses should be: Graceful, pretty, peaceful, well-behaved.
She lived in a castle and had a little crown that everyone envied.
She combed her long hair in front of the mirror, day in, day out.
There was only one thing she liked better than combing her hair. And that was playing ball.
She played with her golden ball. Never, not once, did she drop the ball.
That's how it's written - but her reflection has a memory of its own and messes up the narrative.
As if that wasn't enough, an uninvited guest turns up,
heroically saves what can be saved and boldly brings the story to a close.
An ending that not even the princess could have dreamed of, because:
This ending is a beginning

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Museum details

Hintere Schlosssteige
Schloss 1
+49 7082 79 28 60
Paid entry
Rate for holders of the Museums-PASS-Musées only.
On 14 July 2024
Sunday: 15:00-

48.846969354455, 8.5918506309052

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