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Sculpture, relief and works on paper
Holzdruck in rot, schwarz, und orange
Five artists represented in the collection of the Kunstmuseum Reutlingen with larger groups of works are given a forum for their tangible engagement with art on two floors in the Spendhaus: the common denominator of the exhibition works is the material wood, whether as a working material for three-dimensional objects or woodcuts.
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Museum details

Spend­haus­stra­ße 4 und Eber­hard­stra­ße 14 (Wandel-​​​​​Hal­len)
+49 7121 303 2322
Opening hours

48.493842420013, 9.2071972288361

Installation eines geschnitzen Stuhls, Lampe, Spielzeugauto, Papier, und Trümmer
Opening: Simone Eisele. 19th scholarship holder of the HAP Grieshaber Foundation.

Opening of the exhibition from 11:00 Place: Wandel-Hallen, UG, Eberhardstraße 14, 72764 Reutlingen

Tisch, Vase mit Blumen, Fernseher, Teller, Messer und Gabel
Opening: Gude Schaal

Opening of the exhibition from 18:00 Place: Spendhausstraße 4, 72764 Reutlingen

Opening: Art Reutlingen

Opening of the exhibition at Kunstmuseum Reutlingen | Galerie Place: Wandel-Hallen, Eberhardstraße 14, 72764 Reutlingen

Logo des Kunstmuseum Reutlingen
Opening: "The square must dominate the space." Aurélie Nemours and contemporaries

Opening of the exhibition from 19:00 Place: Wandel-Hallen, Eberhardstraße 14, 72764 Reutlingen

Logo Kunstmuseum Reutlingen, schwarze Buchstaben auf weißem Hintergrund
Public tours

We offer regularly changing public tours in German through our exhibitions. Always Sundays from 11:30 to 12:30. More information on our website.
