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Florian Haas. Historical cuts

Linolschnitt in schwarz und weiß der eine dystopische Kirmes zu Coronazeiten zeigt
Traditionally, art gives the largest formats to the theatricality of historical events. Focusing entirely on the recent past, Florian Haas (*1961) allows collective historical experiences to recur in his wall-sized panoramas printed from linoleum plates in evocative pictorial narratives. They are the result of intensive artistic research and a condensation of autobiographical observation as well as everyday and cultural phenomena. Their spectrum reflects the upheavals of recent years: commercialization and social injustice, rural structural change, species extinction, war and pandemic - their protagonists are often transformed into dancing skeletons that serve the triumph of death. Haas condenses his depictions in the form of illustrative quotations and ambiguous pictograms. Between allegory and ornamental design, his pictorial worlds also inspire action - against the absurdities of social ignorance and irresponsibility.
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Museum details

Spend­haus­stra­ße 4 und Eber­hard­stra­ße 14 (Wandel-​​​​​Hal­len)
+49 7121 303 2322
Opening hours

48.493842420013, 9.2071972288361

Installation eines geschnitzen Stuhls, Lampe, Spielzeugauto, Papier, und Trümmer
Opening: Simone Eisele. 19th scholarship holder of the HAP Grieshaber Foundation.

Opening of the exhibition from 11:00 Place: Wandel-Hallen, UG, Eberhardstraße 14, 72764 Reutlingen

Tisch, Vase mit Blumen, Fernseher, Teller, Messer und Gabel
Opening: Gude Schaal

Opening of the exhibition from 18:00 Place: Spendhausstraße 4, 72764 Reutlingen

Opening: Art Reutlingen

Opening of the exhibition at Kunstmuseum Reutlingen | Galerie Place: Wandel-Hallen, Eberhardstraße 14, 72764 Reutlingen

Logo des Kunstmuseum Reutlingen
Opening: "The square must dominate the space." Aurélie Nemours and contemporaries

Opening of the exhibition from 19:00 Place: Wandel-Hallen, Eberhardstraße 14, 72764 Reutlingen

Logo Kunstmuseum Reutlingen, schwarze Buchstaben auf weißem Hintergrund
Public tours

We offer regularly changing public tours in German through our exhibitions. Always Sundays from 11:30 to 12:30. More information on our website.
