26 october 2024: MPM-Day Freiburg (Breisgau)
Jubilee action: MPM-Days
Here you'll find all the information you need about MPM-Day, which will take place on saturday 26.10.2024 in freiburg (breisgau). You will find here the questions/answers to register.
Take a close look at the information below:
- You can filter events by language and/or your desires
- Check that your Museums-PASS-Musées will still be valid on 26.10.2024 (link) and that you have an online account (link).
If you're bringing someone who doesn't have a Museums-PASS-Musées, contact them now to collect the information they need to register - The MPM-Days' program is visible and available for download below.
- Don't forget that the participating sites are geographically spaced and that you need to allow for the time needed to get to the various events: Map and access information for the museums in Freiburg
- Our program in Freiburg is free of charge. However, meals, accommodation and transport are not free of charge.
- We reserve the right to cancel this free event if there is little demand or to reduce the program.
Participation conditions:
Participants and guests must be over 18 years of age. It is not possible to participate with free or monthly passes.
Legend: Yellow = event in German; blue = demonstration in French; green = demonstration in German and French
[Download pdf]